And the adventure continues...

So apparently we stepped off the plane and into a story-book...

And they lived happily ever after.
We arrived yesterday to our delightful host Ivana. Ivana is the mother of the woman who owns the apartment we are renting and she was a cheerful balance to our driver, her husband, who authoritatively/aggressively/angrily drove us home.

Turns out there aren't many traffic lights in Prague and things are a little hairy on the road.

But no matter, we made it home safely and Ivana humored me by answering my questions about Soviet architecture and the Velvet Revolution on the ride.

I didn't want to be too presumptuous but I was DYING to hear about the Soviet era from someone who really lived it. Luckily Ivana was happy to talk.

And to explain the architectural legacy of that time.

We are in a great, but not super central neighborhood and Ivana explained that many of the crumbling facades were a result of the neglect of the Communist regime. Our apartment itself captures that transition. It has a modern (tiny) elevator in the common space but unfinished interior. While inside it boasts all new appliances.

Speaking of appliances. We are testing out washing our clothes in a Czech washing machine. So far, not so good...

Today we got up (eventually) and walked all over the Jewish Quarter and Stare Mesto (Old Town). Due to a holiday, the Jewish Quarter was quiet and mostly closed, but Stare Mesto was hopping and jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

gorgeous and gorgeous
There is no way to imagine the magic of these windy Baroquefied streets without seeing them for yourself. Its as if a fantasy book has come to life.

There are so many elaborate beautiful places that this church didn't even make the cut on our maps.

just your everyday average cathedral

We walked and walked and walked and ate traditional Czech food and thoroughly exhausted ourselves.

most delicious fried cheese ever!

We are hoping for a good night's sleep and more adventuring tomorrow!


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